February 27, 2011


Tripadvisor What A Joke.
Just click on the links and see for yourself.
It is used a a weapon by Tourists who are Lie, Steal, Cheat, and are Cheap, to try to cheat hotel owners worldwide.
Just pay your bill and shut up.

Room Rates

Our rate is $80., $90., $100., or whatever it is.   NO, we can not let you stay for $30.  
You will be checking out early at 5am, 6am, 7am, and just need the room to sleep, so you want a discount. 
Are you stupid?
The room is still dirty and needs to be cleaned.  Do you think housekeeping is going to be giving us a discount? 
The rate is the same and if you do not have money.......stay home and do not go on vacation.  
Belize is an expensive country.  
Do you think we can go to the USA or Canada and ask for a discount at hotels?  
If we do not have enough money in the bank account we can not even get a visa to visit!



Please do not bring your dogs, cats or birds on vacation in Belize.  
Animals do not know where Belize is and do not care.  
Are you actually so stupid that you think your pet is happy to be in Belize?
Once they have some dirt to crap in...and some food they are happy.
They do not consider you to be their family.  They love anyone who feeds them.  SO WAKE UP!
We the Hotel Owners of Belize do not want your animals sleeping on our beds or we would have opened a pet motel.
Leave the Pets Home.  OKAY

Welcome To Belize, Central America

I am sure many Hotels in Belize would like to add their comments to this blog.
We are sick and tired of Cheap, Petty, Complaining, Lying Tourists who come to Belize and think we still think we Belizeans have rings in our noses.